Browsing: Next Practices

Blog-News U can Use

Today’s guest post is from Anne Kohler, Executive Vice President and COO of The Mpower Group (TMG) and a contributor to the News U Can Use TMG blog.

Over the past year, as the economy has worsened and companies are being squeezed financially, we have heard the following from extremely frustrated clients and prospects (most of which are in Supply Chain or Sourcing):

Blog-News U can Use

Today’s guest post is from Dalip Raheja, President and CEO of The Mpower Group (TMG) and a contributor to the News U Can Use TMG blog.

This blog entry marks the beginning of a series that will explore ways that Strategic Sourcing and Supply Chain Management can be used to effectively drive competitive differentiation. Here at TMG we believe that these functions are among the most value-laden (and consequently possess the greatest potential for value creation) across industries. Companies that figure out how to unleash the value trapped along the supply chain will drive exceptional business results over the long-term. The problem holding most companies back in this area is that the best practices they follow are highly tactical in nature, and by definition conservative in nature. Think about it; how can anyone drive truly EXCEPTIONAL results doing the same thing that everyone else is doing (that’s what a best practice is after all!!!)

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