Yearly Archives: 2012

We’ve been hearing nothing but words over the last 18 months in the political arena but did you realize that your decision may have been based more on “how” something was said vs. “what” was said.


The answer depends on how you think – are you a Direct Causation believer or a Systemic Causation believer? By the way, it’s not an either or choice. If you are looking for a direct, linear causation relationship between climate change and Sandy, then you may choose to ignore the event and/or react to it by building a wall to block the surge. If you believe in systemic causation, then you may choose to increase solar and wind power and reduce fossil fuels to reduce the storm surge. You can follow an excellent discussion on this by George Lakoff.


Why would anyone pay $499 for a tablet when you can buy one for $399? Or pay $329 for a mini- tablet when you can buy one for $199? I’m sure it will take you only a nano (no iPod pun intended) second to figure out that Apple’s iPad is $499 and being challenged by Google, “Google Unveils Nexus 10 $399 Tablet”. My second example is Apple again. A blog in the Huffington Post “ iPad Mini vs. Kindle Fire HD: Amazon Compares Its Tablet To Apple’s In New Ad” labels Apple’s price point as “gutsy” (that is not the actual word that was used but I am being Politically Correct ). Will Apple be able to burn a hole through Amazon’s Kindle Fire even at a much higher price? Probably.


Of course I know – I’ve been following the 7-Eleven poll (blue cup – red cup purchase preference) and it is the best poll out there J. Predicting human behavior has long been the holy grail of prognosticators since the dawn of time and it takes on an almost mystical and magical hue during elections…..

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