Browsing: Adoption


I read this article about Change Management that really caught my attention.  Here is an excerpt from the opening paragraph: “We’ve all been there: We’re ready to use one of our favorite business or social media apps on any one of our devices, only to…

Adoption Adoption

This has now become a passionate mantra for us at TMG and many of our clients are probably getting a bit weary.  However, a recent sad disaster illustrates the point dramatically (our prayers and condolences to all affected).  A Lion Air flight crashed in Indonesia…

Adoption Execution

I wrote a blog about a year ago “Avoiding pitfalls in strategy execution”, highlighting an article I had read in HBR.  Last week I stumbled upon another article “Execution is a People Problem, Not a Strategy Problem” and my first thought was – YES!! it’s…

Adoption Adoption , AEIOU

Many of you may remember the focus on Adoption that was started by us many years ago and I ran across a very interesting article that was a powerful reminder of the concept.  And the reference to the vowels(Adoption, Execution, Implementation, Optimization and Utilization) is…

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