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Blog-News U can Use

Here is another classical example of a major Supply Chain failure (NOT a Supply Base failure!!!).  The essence of it is that the demand for the iPad was so enormous that Apple has had to delay the launch in many parts of the world.  The…

Blog-News U can Use

Here are two definitions which I found on Wikipedia that I would like you to consider: Supply Chain – A supply chain is a set of organizations directly linked by one or more of the upstream and downstream flows of products, services, finances, and information from…

Blog-News U can Use

This is the actual headline from today’s paper edition of the Wall Street Journal : Oil Firm Intends to Increase Efficiency, Benefit From Improved Procurement In this article,( Guy Chazan reports that BP has just announced a very aggressive target of improving profits by $3…

Blog-News U can Use

………does the earth tremble??? Well, perhaps that is an exaggeration, but maybe not much? After all, Toyota has been a Giant for quite some time, and not just in the auto industry. Its influence in Japan and the global economy is unparalleled; the Toyota way…

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