Strategic Sourcing/Supply Chain – Lessons Learned
This is a place for you to share what you have tried in your professional life, what lessons you have learned, what worked, what didn’t, post questions for others to answer etc. etc.
This is a place for you to share what you have tried in your professional life, what lessons you have learned, what worked, what didn’t, post questions for others to answer etc. etc.
Got a great tip on how you applied some sourcing concept in your personal life? Did you just negotiate a great deal using BATNA? Share any tips that have worked for you here!!
Have suggestions for a suitable name for this blog? We are collecting your ideas of appropriate names in this category. Some tips we have found so far include: Short phrases – (3-4) words Words that are easy to remember A name that represents the overall theme…
Feel free to provide your comments and questions about the blog. Have ideas for other topic categories?