Browsing: Supply Chain

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In a recent posting on Business Week, I had written about the dynamic nature of outsourcing strategies and why companies must develop an exit decision model and an exit strategy concurrently when they first decide to outsource(offshore). The GM decision to insource their IT function, which had been 90% outsourced, might be a perfect example of that concept. They are currently looking for 10,000 IT professionals!!

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45 Million People Are Blind today, and 80% of them could be cured through surgery (36 million if you’re looking for your calculator). Oh, of course, most of these people cannot afford the surgery, don’t know about it, cannot physically be where eye care is available, and so on and so on. The answer? Reverse Innovation (RI) – a term coined by Jeffrey Immelt and Vijay Govindarajan. The basic premise of RI is that all innovation cannot flow from the developed to the developing world.

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I found two great articles yesterday in the Wall Street Journal that caught my attention. One article focused on Airbus’ epiphany to redesign their manufacturing process in “Hit by Delays, Airbus Tries New Way of Building Planes.” This is a must read as it is a classic lesson on how Supply Chain Management is critical to either the success or failure of a global manufacturer.

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I think we are all ready for a nice, long Memorial Day weekend. Ben Benjabutr, a blogger from sent us over this great infographic on the history of logistics and SCM. We loved it and wanted to share. Happy Friday! Source:

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