A few months ago I was shopping at my favorite retailer with my friend Monica when I grabbed a pair of black pants to purchase. Monica looked at me and said – “Honey, it’s time to shop your closet”! Monica, by the way, is a professional closet organizer (ADD LINK) and had been bugging me for months to get organized. She was tired of hearing me complain that I had absolutely NOTHING to wear, when she knew differently. So, even though I thought it was a waste of my time and money (the price a pair of designer shoes) I agreed. The activity for me was daunting but hiring a professional made it easy and even fun. What I discovered (I will stick with just black pants) was:


It’s the end of the year and I’m sure some of you are facing the dim prospects of yet another re-organization. It may be at the corporate level, within your division, your function etc. etc. And you may have a group of people running around and developing new organizational models and moving boxes around like lego toys. Why? Because this latest round of moving the boxes around is magically going to solve all the problems


We’ve been hearing nothing but words over the last 18 months in the political arena but did you realize that your decision may have been based more on “how” something was said vs. “what” was said.


The answer depends on how you think – are you a Direct Causation believer or a Systemic Causation believer? By the way, it’s not an either or choice. If you are looking for a direct, linear causation relationship between climate change and Sandy, then you may choose to ignore the event and/or react to it by building a wall to block the surge. If you believe in systemic causation, then you may choose to increase solar and wind power and reduce fossil fuels to reduce the storm surge. You can follow an excellent discussion on this by George Lakoff.

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