While I won’t share my top 5 today, I will share one of them that MUST be in everyone’s top 5 to move to Category Management or they may not know what they speak of and that is a High Performance Leadership Team (HPLT). The Leadership Team (LT)…
Browsing: Dalip Raheja
And that’s not idle hyperbole!!! After all, if you can’t demonstrate actual delivered Value to your Stakeholders, why would they support your shared service. And it turns out that most Supply Chain and Sourcing organizations are woefully inadequate in demonstrating actual delivered Value (if you would allow me,…
Or sadly, it never went away. The headlines everywhere are ominous (and that might be an understatement). Cases are up almost everywhere in the US and the world. Restrictions are most assuredly headed back – and in many cases are here already. Indoor masks are mandatory again –…
I’m sure you’ve been reading a lot about how the work force has changed dramatically and people are not gong back to work and jobs are left unfilled. There are all kind of reasons being thrown around with some blaming unemployment benefits while others saying people are reevaluating…
This is no hyperbole – if you missed yesterday’s PERT CPO workshop, you missed a doozie! I have been part of many, many panels and have facilitated an equal number and this was definitely in the Top 5. It was going so well that the organizers were forced…