While I was growing up with my grandfather (who was quite a management whiz) in India, he explained the concept of inflation when I was quite young. He told me that people were going out and buying necessities and then storing them to protect against rising prices. India…
Browsing: Intended Consequences
I’m not a huge baseball fan, but my daughter gave me the book Moneyball (used at many leading business schools) by Michael Lewis and I was eager to see the movie. Brad Pitt takes a break from his jet-setting life with Angelina Jolie to play Billy Beane, the General Manager of the Oakland Athletics baseball team. Billy Beane is well-known for fundamentally redefining the way baseball teams make decisions and challenging the way teams had been managed for over a century. He essentially changes the decision criteria used to select players to a much more fact-based model, which focuses on the real value the players bring toward the Intended Consequences (getting a win). Once he redesigns the consonants (People, Process, Technology), he quickly realizes that getting to the expected results is still far away. It’s not until he focuses on the vowels (Adoption, Execution, Implementation, Optimization and Utilization) that the results start showing up. The constraints he faces should sound very, very familiar to everyone. Follow the trail and tell me if you agree that we all need to be a Brad Pitt (no that does not come with Angelina Jolie).
This Blog will “Challenge your Change Team to re-examine the “logic” behind your measures or the measures that are important to your stakeholders.” Why is that an important step in successful change efforts? Read more to find out.
One of the highlights of the Next Practices Exchange (NPX) was a presentation by Brad Peterson, partner at the law firm of Mayer Brown on “How to Communicate the Value You Create in Negotiating Contract Terms.” Read on for a summary of Brad’s comments.
Are you playing Battleship with your customers? Playing Twenty Questions with your suppliers? Maybe that’s why your relationships have not blossomed the way you thought they would. Here’s a quick look at what can be done to stop the games and get to the results.