Browsing: Outsourcing

A recent spate of news around this topic makes this an opportune time for this discussion.  Any Category Management (CM) strategy (and for this discussion we will talk about outsourcing offshore as the CM strategy) MUST have an exit ramp as an integral component.  The reason that offshoring…


Here’s part of the definition that I find most critical – “Generally the client remains fully accountable for the overall management and control of the organization or system – including the functionality and performance of the managed service.” Now for the rant – Not managing your MSP is the same as turning over the keys to the kingdom and hoping that it is still intact when you return. Bad idea!


There are some global demographic trends that are already underway and their impact is already being felt so this is not a prediction but an acknowledgement of reality.   At a high level, countries like Japan, China, Germany etc. have a shrinking work force while the growth will be…
