Browsing: Training

Did you know that nationwide we have over 4 million unfilled job openings but 10 million people are unemployed; this is according to U.S. Labor Department statistics.  On the weekend edition of NPR last week, they ran a story “What Germans Know that Could Help Bridge U.S. Workers’…


As we are working “in the weeds”, every day, we often lose sight of how critical our function is. We, at The Mpower Group, do a lot of Strategic Sourcing and Supply Chain Management training as one of our service offerings because WE KNOW the value of a strong Supply Chain. I guess it has just taken the rest of the world a little time to catch up . . . . . .


The theme for this month’s issue of Harvard Business Review is “Reinventing America – Why the World needs the U.S. to Bounce Back”. There is one article in particular which highlights the need for the U.S. to become more competitive. Here Michael E. Porter (ever hear of Porter’s Five Forces Model?) and Jan W. Rivkin discuss the need for America to repair some “cracks in the foundation.” The area that I found most critical is human development, particularly the lack of focus on our education systems and the training / development of our employees.
