Category Management:  How Future Proof is Your Organization?


As you know, we try and stay away from fads and labels and hopefully this doesn’t turn into one.  Future Proofing is a term that is starting to gain some traction and I decided that it was a vary apt description for our latest research publication that was just released:  Future Proof your Organization: Challenges, Risks and Opportunities for 2024 and beyond.  First, I want to thank all the people that participated in this research initiative and invite you to help us further in this research (see below).

The research helped us identify the top 5 issues that are most significant and top of mind for many executives across all industries and across the globe.  You will find them in the document but here they are:

  • Artificial Intelligence (“AI”)
  • Supply Chain Resiliency / Deglobalization
  • Talent / Competency
  • Risk Management
  • Sustainability

Each topic starts out with a set up paragraph that lays out the state of the topic and the challenges inherent in it.  We then present a series of findings from all the executive interviews we conducted and then the last section lays out what the implications are of our research and what advice we are giving our clients.  We think you will find it very interesting AND more importantly useful.

And here is the pre-amble to the research study that might provide some context. “We are definitely at an inflection…driven by not just by AI but also the continuing impact of the pandemic, climate change, massive geo-political issues, a dramatically changed workforce resulting in large competency gaps for your group to just name a few.  Inflection points create… many …taking advantage of inflection points to drive competitive advantage for our companies… the opportunities as well-especially to Future Proof your organization.  Our research is supplemented by a number of interviews with many executives and leaders from companies across multiples industries (including Fortune 25) from across the globe…number of these executives were also alumni (some of them from multiple organizations in their careers) and it was very satisfying to see what they have achieved in their career. “

The one thing that you can do for yourself is to build out a P&I chart for each of these topics.  Alumni will recognize that P&I stands for Predictable and Inevitable .  This is a simple DIY (do it yourself) exercise to get you started.  In fact, it’s best if you engage with your leadership team on this.  It will create some alignment to get you started and you can at least start addressing the low hanging fruit for each of the listed challenges.

So, look for your copy of the research in your email.  If you don’t have it, just drop us a note and we will make sure you get it right away.  And here is our ask of you.  We would like to continue our research and build out our “road show” with your help.  Please take a few minutes and share your reaction and thoughts on our research – whether you agree with it or not.  We promise we will read all your comments and we will incorporate your feedback into our roadshow.  So how about it?  Are you willing to make a contribution to our research and helping out our larger professional community.


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