Browsing: Anne Kohler

The number one biggest issue a Procurement organization has as it moves up the maturity model is internal stakeholder resistance.  This is true, by the way for any shared service organization that is trying to make a fundamental change in the way they work. We often find that…


On any given day I can be on either side of that coin.  Before COVID, when most of us were going to the office, we usually started our day by greeting our co-workers and engaging in some type of small talk.  What we talked about was not important…


As Sourcing / Category Management / Supply Chain professionals we ARE playing the role of an internal consultant (whether we recognize it or not). To be effective in that role, we must integrate the consulting process into our business process – here is a simple illustration utilizing a…


 As Strategic Sourcing professionals we were all taught that Savings was our most important metric.  Organizations that have not yet reached the Value Creating / Category Management level of maturity are most likely STILL mostly measuring and reporting price/cost savings.  By doing this, you are perpetuating the notion…

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