Browsing: Strategic Sourcing Vs. Category Management

The word “conflict” has such negative connotations but the most effective teams actually elicit conflict to generate new ideas.  Since most of our work as Sourcing / Category Management professionals is done in teams, embracing constructive conflict is a MUST as you are making the journey from Strategic…


“Cracking the Code on Collaboration – Six new tools”.  Here was the answer I had been searching for – THE code.  I imagined that I would find a set of swanky new digital tools or techniques that would blow my socks off.  Maybe even a little RPA or…


A recent spate of news around this topic makes this an opportune time for this discussion.  Any Category Management (CM) strategy (and for this discussion we will talk about outsourcing offshore as the CM strategy) MUST have an exit ramp as an integral component.  The reason that offshoring…


While I won’t share my top 5 today, I will share one of them that MUST be in everyone’s top 5 to move to Category Management or they may not know what they speak of and that is a High Performance Leadership Team (HPLT). The Leadership Team (LT)…


Cost Savings, cost savings, cost savings – if we focus on cost savings at the expense (no pun intended 😊) of what is most important to our “customer” then we Fail. Period.  Herein, lies the single biggest difference between Strategic Souring and Category Management – focusing on your…

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