Centralized, Decentralized / Consulted or Center-Led? Which organization structure is considered Next Practice? Regardless of the industry you are in or whether you are doing Strategic Sourcing or have matured to Category Management, any or all of these structures can work. We spend so much time paying…
We ran a series of webinars titled: The Journey from Strategic Sourcing to Category Management: The Secret Sauce or Opening the Kimono and I happened to come across one of the sessions while doing some research for a client, and it reminded me of the old saying: The…
“Cracking the Code on Collaboration – Six new tools”. Here was the answer I had been searching for – THE code. I imagined that I would find a set of swanky new digital tools or techniques that would blow my socks off. Maybe even a little RPA or…
A recent spate of news around this topic makes this an opportune time for this discussion. Any Category Management (CM) strategy (and for this discussion we will talk about outsourcing offshore as the CM strategy) MUST have an exit ramp as an integral component. The reason that offshoring…
ALL our Fortune 500 clients have some form of a Leadership Development program in place and pay millions of dollars a year for such programs with what executives would describe as “so-so” results. “The number of players offering courses to impart the hard and soft skills required of…