One of the single biggest challenges in Category Management is getting decisions made across organizational silos. You are NOT doing Category Management if you are managing “spend” at the Business Unit level – you MUST be managing a spend category across the ENTIRE organization and herein is where…
We are always perplexed by this phenomenon. We have yet to meet an executive or leader who does not profess to believe in the critical impact their Leadership Team has on their success. And yet the same executives and leaders have not taken a moment to understand what…
For those of you that have been loyal followers of this blog for the last few years as we have explored the differences between Strategic Sourcing and Category Management, you will recall seeing this model many, many times: You will also recall many, many discussions around strategic competencies…
It was the middle of the pandemic, and everyone was trying to figure out how to deal with the impacts. One of the biggest challenges was to determine whether the impacts we were all facing at work were temporary and we could just wait them out or were…
You are probably NOT going to like my answer – it depends! Defining what it depends ON, is the key! Regardless of your business or industry, every company is providing goods and/or services to a set of customers (these customers may be internal or external or both) through…