Browsing: Adoption

My 10-year-old supposed “luxury” car is in the shop and I ended up having to rent a car. I don’t know the last time you rented a car but I found the experience to be terrifying and that’s not an exaggeration. I almost turned around to ask for an older car that I…


This is a conversation that I’ve had with a number of CPOs and the good news is that it is taking less and less effort to convince them.  You can’t expect to deliver exceptional results if your processes were never designed to do that.  You may remember the…


What is common between Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Sandy and the Boeing 787(Dreamliner)? I also predicted that the 787 would probably be grounded by the FAA and they did exactly that. While you are thinking about it, let me share some thoughts on them – these are/were disasters of epic proportions that in the case of the 1st two have already caused significant havoc. The impact of the 787 on Boeing is yet to be calculated. You would have thought that the leaders in all three situations would have some kind of risk measurement/analysis/mitigation processes/procedures/studies in place that would have warned them of what might occur and allowed them to take the necessary precautions to either prevent or reduce the event from occurring or have appropriate plans in place to manage the fallout from the event?


Our prayers to all that were impacted and we hope that it never happens again.  Perhaps there are some lessons to be learned that can be applied by us and I wrote about this when the Lion Air tragedy happened. I’m sure that vigorous investigations will lead to conclusions…

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