Browsing: Category Management

Over a year ago we, at The Mpower Group, tapped into this major conversation around the difference between Strategic Sourcing and Category Management.  So many of our client organizations are trying to make that journey and finding it to be quite challenging.  Let’s ALL acknowledge the fact that…


If you can’t clearly define Value then you are in good company.  Jeff Bezos, Jamie Dimon and Warren Buffet are struggling with that very question – particularly when it comes to Healthcare.   As you may have heard there is a “new, disruptive health care alliance formed by Amazon,…


While the debate continues on the difference between Strategic Sourcing and Category Management (we’ve already settled the debate for our clients years ago), I thought it was important to focus not just on the what, but also the why.  Why would you even consider making the transformation to…


A new year has started and so have the New Year’s resolutions.  I am no different than anyone else – I want to lose XX pounds and this is the year I am finally going to do it.  In the back of my mind, though, all I can…


I know there’s a song with that line in in but for the life of me I can’t remember what it is.  But that line does resonate with some truths that we should talk about.  First, you have to know where your here is, because without that, Transformation is…
